does Nantucket Memorial Airport Operate? |
following is intended as a guide to Nantucket residents and visitors and
not intended to portray any arrival or departure procedures for use by
local or transient aircraft operating into or out of Nantucket Memorial
The following pages have been designed with images, descriptions and
links to allow the user to navigate easily between pages.
1) This page describes several of the most
commonly used runway configurations and under what kind of wind, weather
and traffic conditions each configuration might be used. Figures 1 through 10 on this page
are thumbnail images that may be enlarged by clicking on the
2) Enlarging the image will take the
user to a related page providing a visual display of the runway/runways
in use for each configuration.
3) Next follow the link captioned "View
Typical Flight Tracks Associated with this Runway Configuration" to
see actual flight track plots taken from our MegadataTM flight tracking system showing where airplanes actually fly for each
configuration. A description of neighborhoods
that are affected by each configuration is also provided on
this page.
The Airport has made flight tracks available for viewing by the public
on a near real time basis at our AirportMonitorTM web site.
The Airport and
the FAA. Who is in charge of what?
Nantucket Memorial Airport is responsible for operating and
maintaining airport facilities and for ensuring runways, taxiways
and other facilities are in good working condition, meet FAA regulations
and are available for use. The Airport does not determine which runways are in use at any particular time, except when a
particular runway is not available for use because of some physical
reason, such as runway maintenance or snow removal.
The FAA is responsible
for managing Nantucket's airspace and
for ensuring the safe and expeditious flow of traffic. This is
accomplished through a coordinated effort between Nantucket Air Traffic
Control Tower (Nantucket ATCT) located at the Airport and Cape
Terminal Radar Approach Control (Cape TRACON) located at Otis Air
Force Base on the Cape. Nantucket ATCT is responsible for
selecting the runway(s) in use at any particular time. Refer
to the FAA
website for more details.
What determines which
runways the FAA chooses?
’s airfield layout,
illustrated in Figure 1, consists of three runways, which vary in length
from 3,125 feet to 6,303 feet. Nantucket
runways are aligned in three directions with runway ends pointing toward
six distinct compass headings. Aircraft must generally take off and land
into the wind, so the availability of specific runway configurations is
determined by aircraft type, wind speed and direction, and other weather
conditions. The runway layout provides necessary operating flexibility
offshore location and highly variable wind conditions. Non-coastal
airports, where wind conditions vary less, may have a simpler airfield layout and fewer required operating
configurations. |
on Image to Enlarge |
Runway Use Configurations
We use several primary runway configurations at
The operational capacities range from a maximum of approximately 120 operations (takeoff or
landing) per hour when the
weather is good, winds are light, and two runways are available, to
fewer than 64 hourly operations for a single runway configuration when
weather is poor. |
’s highest capacity
configurations have two active runways enabling FAA controllers to
segregate arriving aircraft of different size and performance classes
into three or four arrival streams. High capacity runway configurations
are necessary during Nantucket's peak
vacation season. When poor wind and weather
conditions restrict the airport to low capacity configurations, FAA
Controllers have just one
or two instrument runways available.
Dual Runway Configurations
As shown in Figures 2 to 6, two available runways maximize the
airport’s operating efficiency by permitting air traffic control to segregate aircraft of
different size and performance classes into multiple arrival/departure
streams. Conversely, airfield capacity
drops significantly when the airport is restricted to a one-runway
configuration with a single arrival/departure stream. Common to
all Dual Runway configurations is good visibility and higher cloud
ceilings. Figures 2 to 10 depict some of the most common
arrival and departure runway configurations, however, air traffic demand
and varying weather conditions can require the use of other
2 to 4 show dual runway configurations commonly used when traffic
demand requires more arrivals than departures. This
situation can occur at the beginning of a busy Summer weekend on
Thursday and Friday afternoons and again on Saturday morning.
Figure 2,
to the right, represents a typical Summer flow during good weather and
when prevailing winds are from the west or southwest. Landings
occur on Runways 24 and 30, while departures occur from Runway 24.
Most single engine aircraft and some Cessna 402 air taxis will land on
Runway 30, while higher performance aircraft (twin propeller, turboprop
and jet aircraft) will land on Runway 24. |
on Image to Enlarge |
on Image to Enlarge |
Figure 3, to the left, represents a typical traffic flow during
good weather and when prevailing winds are from the north or
northeast. This configuration can occur during the Summer months
after a frontal passage and usually lasts for a day or two before
returning to a more typical southwest wind pattern. During other months
of the year (Fall, Winter, Spring), when northeast winds are more
prevalent, this pattern can last for longer periods of time.
Landings occur on Runways 6 and 33, while departures occur from Runway
6. |
Figure 4, to the right, is similar to the arrival and departure
pattern seen in Figure 2. Landings occur on Runways 24 and 33, while
departures occur from Runway 24. Once again, this traffic flow
occurs during good weather and when prevailing winds are from the west or
northwest. In this configuration, aircraft landing on Runway 33 must
be capable of landing and holding short of Runway 24 when simultaneous
landings are taking place. Therefore, Runway 33 is typically used
for slower and lighter single engine aircraft arrivals. |
on Image to Enlarge |
on Image to Enlarge |
5 and 6 show dual runway configurations commonly used when traffic
demand requires more departures than arrivals. This
situation can occur at the end of a busy Summer weekend on Sunday
afternoons/evening and Monday mornings.
Figure 5, to the left, shows landings occurring on Runway 24, while
departures are using Runways 24 and 15. Jets and turboprops,
aircraft requiring longer runways for takeoff, will use Runway 24 and
smaller single engine and twin propeller aircraft will depart from
either Runway 15 or 24. Using dual runways in this manner assists in
meeting the peak departure demand.
Figure 6, to the right, shows landings occurring on Runway 6, while
departures are using Runways 6 and 15. Winds are from the east to
southeast and good visibility prevails. Jets and turboprops,
aircraft requiring longer runways for takeoff, will use Runway 6 and
smaller single engine and twin propeller aircraft will depart from either
Runway 6 or 15. This is another example of using dual runways to
meet heavy departure demand.
on Image to Enlarge |
Single Runway Configurations
Figures 7 to 10 depict situations when only one runway is available
for landings and departures, due either to low demand or poor weather. Common to all Single Runway
configurations during poor weather (low visibility/low cloud ceilings/high
winds/snow removal) is a significant reduction in airport capacity. |
on Image to Enlarge |
Figure 7, to the left, shows landings and departures occurring on
Runway 24. During
poor weather conditions (low ceilings and poor visibility), Nantucket
Memorial Airport is equipped with two Instrument Landing Systems (ILS)
for making a precision approach and landing. An ILS has existed on
Runway 24 for many years, with approaches to the airport beginning
offshore of Quidnet and Squam and proceeding straight in along the ILS
path to the runway.
An ILS to Runway 6 was installed in the Spring of 2005, thereby allowing
precision instrument approaches to be made in either direction to our
longest runway.
Figure 8, to the right, shows landings and departures occurring on
Runway 6. The recently installed ILS to Runway 6 is expected to bring added safety
and noise abatement benefits. In the past, with only one ILS
approach available at Nantucket Memorial Airport, poor weather required
the use of Runway 24, even on days when the wind would favor the use of
Runway 6. Now aircraft will have two ILS approaches available and
either could be used depending on the prevailing wind at the time.
The ILS to Runway 6, being flown entirely over water, has obvious noise
abatement benefits as well.
on Image to Enlarge |
on Image to Enlarge |
Figure 9, to the left, shows landings and departures occurring on
Runway 33. This
runway configuration is most common during the Fall, Winter and Spring
when changing weather and wind patterns occur most frequently.
Usually associated with this runway configuration are strong
northwesterly winds. Since there is not an Instrument
Landing System approach to Runway 33, ceilings of 380 feet or higher are
required to use this runway during instrument conditions.
Normally, Runway 33 use is limited to times of good visibility and
higher ceilings allowing pilots to make visual approaches and landings.
Figure 10, to the right, shows landings and departures occurring on
Runway 15. Similar
to the Runway 33 configuration, Runway 15 use is most common during the
Fall, Winter and Spring when changing weather and wind patterns occur most
frequently. Usually associated with this runway configuration are
strong southerly or southeasterly winds. Normally, Runway 15 use is
limited to times of good visibility and higher ceilings allowing pilots to
make visual approaches and landings. |
on Image to Enlarge |
to Noise Abatement Section |