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![]() FIGURE 5a Figure 5a, above, shows landings occurring on Runway 24, while departures are using Runways 24 and 15. Good visual flight conditions exist. Jets and turboprops, aircraft requiring longer runways for takeoff, will use Runway 24 and smaller single engine and twin propeller aircraft will depart from either Runway 15 or 24. Using dual runways in this manner assists in meeting the peak departure demand. Neighborhoods affected by this configuration would be: Arrivals to Runway 24 Quidnet and Squam on the eastern shoreline will generally see higher performance aircraft (twin jets and turboprops) making a straight-in approach to Runway 24. Harbor South Area near Folger's Marsh will see arriving traffic (twin prop air taxis and other light twins) to Runway 24. Departures from Runway 24 About 75 - 80 percent of departing traffic will follow the visual 1-mile off-shore noise abatement route paralleling the south shore to Smith's Point. Other northbound departing traffic on instrument flight plans, under positive control of the FAA, will be directed to turn northbound crossing the Island at around 2000 feet altitude in the vicinity of Miacomet Pond and Hummock Pond on the South Shore to Dionis on the North Shore. Aircraft with destinations to the southwest will depart off-shore and remain over-water. Departures from Runway 15 Tom Nevers and Madequecham will see some over-flights of air taxi and single engine aircraft and smaller twin jets departing from Runway 15. After departure, aircraft will either turn left following the 1-mile-off-shore route around Sconset and the eastern shoreline, or be directed back over the top of the Airport at 2000 feet or higher crossing over Surfside and Nobadeer on the South Shore to Mid Island and Monomoy on the Harbor front. FIGURE 5b Figure 5b, below, shows operations occurring during instrument flight conditions. Arriving aircraft are using the instrument landing system (ILS) approach to land straight in on Runway 24. Instrument departures occur from Runways 15 and 24. All aircraft are being directed by FAA air traffic control. ![]() Neighborhoods affected by this configuration would be: Arrivals to Runway 24 Quidnet and Squam on the eastern shoreline will see all instrument equipped aircraft (single engine prop, air taxis, twin jets and turboprops) making a straight-in approach to Runway 24 utilizing the precision guidance provided by the Instrument Landing System (ILS). It is not uncommon in the late Spring and Summer months to have clear and sunny skies on the Eastern Shore and have low lying "ocean fog" requiring instrument approaches to the Airport. Air traffic can be dense during peak arrival times (Friday afternoon, Saturday morning, Sunday afternoon, Monday morning), with one aircraft passing overhead every minute or two. Departures from Runway 24 Northbound larger air carrier commercial aircraft, twin jets and turboprops departing on instrument flight plans, under positive control of the FAA, will be directed to turn northbound crossing the Island at around 2000 feet altitude in the vicinity of Miacomet Pond and Hummock Pond on the South Shore to Dionis on the North Shore. Aircraft with destinations to the southwest will depart off-shore and remain over-water. Departures from Runway 15 Tom Nevers and Madequecham will see some over-flights of air taxi and single engine aircraft and smaller twin jets departing from Runway 15. After departure, aircraft on instrument flight plans will be turned left around Sconset and the eastern shoreline, or be directed back over the top of the Airport at 2000 feet or higher crossing over Surfside and Nobadeer on the South Shore to Mid Island and Monomoy on the Harbor front. Aircraft with destinations to the southwest will depart off-shore and remain over-water. Return to Previous Page |